16 Aug 2011

bad exposure recovery and RAW

shooting RAW and processing it in Lightroom can save your pictures even if you have "badly" exposed photos. i can't stress it enough to shoot in RAW. i know you should get it right "the moment it clicks" but in such situations retrieving information from a jpeg will surely be impossible. of course it helps if you shoot with a fast prime.

here are the jpegs (i shoot RAW + JPEG FINE btw).

14 Aug 2011


this is in my pursuit of learning to strobe. single light strobe on a home-made softbox with a SB900. using Nikon's proprietary Creative Lighting System (CLS). the setup was fairly easy, softbox directed down on the subject - shoes. Manual flash.

1 Aug 2011

ramadan kareem

taken at 7:30pm just after sunset, the new moon on the horizon (middle part). ramadan kareem to all our muslim friends.