28 Mar 2011

a pair of pears, still life

the things you can do when you've got nothing to do. just some flash photography with a borrowed SB-800.

27 Mar 2011


in my pursuit of wanting to learn photography here are a few takes of learning how to strobe(sort of). i've been doing a lot of reading. this is testing the water before i take the plunge (re: buying a flash). :)

26 Mar 2011

setting moon

this deserves a separate post. although the previous post is also about the "super moon" i thought this needs to be on a different blog post on its own.
i just love the way the moon is setting as the day breaks. it brings back happy childhood memories of my hometown.

25 Mar 2011


the moon was at its closest distance to the earth in 18 years; the last time was March 8, 1993. and i missed my rare chance to shoot it in its fullness. oh well, i guess i would have to wait another 18 years or so for it to come around again. it doesn't really matter unless, of course, if i were a werewolf. i'd probably be itching to roam out and stalk some vampires and whatnots. anyway.

22 Mar 2011


my day job "gets in the way" of my new found love - photography.
here's a "paid" stint. my first. :)

11 Mar 2011


is there a thing as half-tone deaf? i think i am.
well i just enjoyed shooting the guitar that i thought it deserves another one.

8 Mar 2011

hello kitty

my daughter's favourite shoes on the window sill. she placed it there i don't know why.

6 Mar 2011

a bottle of vodka

no flash. just room lighting.
this makes the nikkor 50mm f/1.4 very enjoying to use in low-light situations.

5 Mar 2011

bright lights

the nikon D7000 has, as they say, "focusing issues".
mine doesn't "know" how to do that. :)
here is un-focusing intentionally.

2 Mar 2011

the west window

my west window often gives me the best of both night and day photo opportunities.